John McCain makes an effective argument that Sarah Palin has better judgment and executive skills than Barack Obama. Her tough executive decisions vs. his “present” votes works and reminding us that she visited the troops (unlike Barack Obama in Germany) works on some level. Touting her as head of the National Guard is weak, though, (unless there is more to this than meets the eye) and better left off the list of arguments in her favor.

Another Left talking point on Palin doesn’t pan out. One advantage of secrecy: the McCain camp knows a whole lot more about her than their opponents. And the Creationism line isn’t right either. (h/t Glenn Reynolds)

The Barack Obama bounce is kaput. For that alone Palin will have endeared herself to Republicans.

Bill Kristol captures the snooty condescension in some ranks which greeted the Palin pick: “Some media mandarins were upset. One reporter noted that — horrors! — Palin had never even appeared on ‘Meet the Press.'” And he is right –if she bombs it is bad news for McCain and if she succeed it is very good indeed.

The Left and Right agree: a shorter Convention has only upside for John McCain.

Secret ballots are so passé for Democrats.

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