Wow — a reporter who challenges the Obama camp talking points. But it’s now clear that Team Obama doesn’t really care if they mock his disability or not.
Tip for Barack Obama: never tell gun-owners that they have nothing to fear because you “don’t have the votes in Congress.” They are likely to run the other way–and vote against Democrats in Congress.
Less coverage of Joe Biden is a good thing for his side. Really.
One of many signs of a double standard: we heard endlessly that in her first outings on the stump Sarah Palin — horror! — used a teleprompter; we never seem to hear about Barack Obama’s.
With some historical distance you can see how lame this sort of thing is. Are we going to be saying the same about the Obama “Honor” ad twenty years from now?
Maybe the “experience” issue still works for the McCain camp.
More doctrinaire than Harry Reid: “Obama’s party loyalty score was 96%, making him a more orthodox Democrat than even the Democratic leader in the Senate, Harry Reid, whose score was 93%.”
Gotta love the reasoning in this piece — Americans are racists so Obama shouldn’t look angry. (Psst: Voters don’t like any angry politician — which is why the Obama camp keeps bringing up concerns about McCain’s “temperament.”)
This e-mailer gets it exactly right on the Palin interview.
Another one for the Ironies of 2008 files: “Who would’ve thought that onetime media darling John McCain would gain the affection of his own party’s grassroots by finally fighting back?” Mickey Kaus puts it this way: “The more firmly the GOP base is nailed down by MSM-hatred, remember, the more McCain can lunge for swing voters by running as a semi-Dem ‘maverick.'”
The McCain team turns up the heat: what did Obama say to the Iraqis? If we had an impartial media, they would be asking also.
Tied in Pennsylvania? If you believe it and you support Obama, you should be very concerned.