Gallup has polled the opinions of various religious groups on relocating the Ground Zero mosque. Over 60 percent of Catholics and Mormons want it moved; among these groups, 15 percent or less want it made into an interfaith center, and the rest are content to leave it where it is. Forty-nine percent of other Christians and 43 percent of Jews want the mosque to go; over 20 percent of these respondents would like it transformed into an interfaith center (I’m sure some Jews relish the notion of Imam Abdul Rauf turning over the pulpit to a rabbi or tw0). Who wants to leave the mosque there?

A plurality of Muslims (43 percent), other non-Christians (41 percent), and atheists/agnostics (42 percent) would leave the mosque there. But noteworthy is the number of Muslims who would either move it or make into an interfaith center, 44 percent, which is higher than the number siding with the Ground Mosque builders (and Mayor Bloomberg). What will the liberal blogosphere say — that a plurality of Muslims are Islamophobes?

For the majority of Americans, the Ground Zero mosque is an affront to the goals of reconciliation and mutual respect for citizens of different faiths. Unfortunately, as with so much else, the president is not on the same wavelength as the rest of the country. And his fellow leftist elites only encourage his worst instincts.

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