Well, the Obama campaign spinners have a new one: Barack Obama had no idea Bill Ayers and his wife were former terrorists. This is just plain silly and–even worse–very, very counterproductive for Obama’s electoral prospects.
First, since Obama himself never used the ignorance excuse, it is not going to be believed by anyone but the most adoring Obama-philes. Second, the way this issue becomes problematic for otherwise forgiving, apolitical voters is precisely by becoming an issue of credibility. Bluntly put, it’s one thing to hang out with former terrorists who conspired to kill Americans and avowed a hatred for America, it is quite another to lie to voters now. The “just a guy in the neighborhood” excuse was not quite flying–the “I didn’t know he was a terrorist” hooey sure isn’t.
Obama’s all too-helpful un-truth squad may yet convince the voters that not only is this something Obama must hide but that he is lying to them. As bonehead moves in this campaign go, this will rank near the top.