Bill Ayers is back in the news with a comic strip on his blog. (Let’s put aside the absurdity of a former terrorist with a blog.) The full details are here. But the kicker is that he doesn’t “neccesarily” think violent resistance is the answer. This is not what Barack Obama needed.

Let’s see if the media, having caught their breath from the Palin feeding frenzy, have the nerve to go back to Obama and ask some tough questions. Why did he refer to Ayers as a “guy in the neighborhood” when he served on Ayers’s Annenberg Challenge and together with him on the Woods Fund? Why would Obama associate with someone who participated in violent crimes against Americans? Why did he kick off his political career at Ayers’s home?

Really, if the media wants to talk personal biography and lifestyle judgment let’s have at it. And it’s a bit more important to know what motivates a potential President to maintain a collegial relationship with a terrorist than it is to learn the details of the pregnancy of a VP’s teenage daughter. Let’s see if equal time is devoted to the former.

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