When last we heard about Eric Holder, he was being assigned a “minder” to keep track of him and fine-tune his political radar. You see, the problem in the Obama administration is never what they’re doing; it’s always how they’re talking about it. Holder is out saying silly things again and in the process revealing the utter disarray in which the Obami find their anti-terrorism policies. What’s happening with the KSM trial?

Holder said he has made no decision about where to hold a trial for alleged Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four others accusing of plotting that attack. Last November, the attorney general announced plans to put the five on trial in Manhattan, but the administration retreated from that plan after political leaders in the city and the state turned against it.

Well, we did have a place for the trial until New Yorkers screamed, “No way!” Now Holder is searching for some locale in America where the residents are enthusiastic about taking on what New Yorkers will not, namely an expensive security nightmare. He isn’t even saying if this will be a civilian trial, although he chastises conservatives for failing to appreciate the wonders of our judiciary system, which absolutely no-questions-asked is going to convict KSM. Then he spews this gobbledygook:

We need not make more of these people than they are. [They] are thugs. They are people who engaged in criminal warlike activities against the United States but they are people who are not different from people we have shown we have the ability to handle in the past.

Notice the tough-guy talk about “thugs,” perhaps the contribution of the minder. But once again, “thug” conveys a guy with brass knuckles, a two-bit mobster shaking down some local businesses, not the fanatics who want to blow up a city block. And how do you like the phrase “criminal warlike activities.” A keener mind might make the distinction between criminal — a violator of the Penal Code entitled to all constitutional rights — and warlike, meaning engaged in acts of war against the United States. It is the jumble of the two that has gotten Holder and all the Obami tied up in knots. Maybe Holder needs a better minder — or we need a better attorney general.

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