Today Obama is doubling down — are we up to quadrupling by now? — by laying the groundwork for a reconciliation strategy. The pundits and politicians are trying to count the votes in the House. Do Obama and Pelosi have their 216 votes? Not likely. And newfound “no’s” keep rolling in. There don’t seem to be not that many representatives ready to switch from a “no” to a “yes.” Meanwhile, how’s this working out for Obama?

Public Opinion Strategies polling came out with this timely analysis yesterday:

Comparing where we were during the first six months of 2009 to today offers a unique perspective on just how far the Obama Administration has fallen.  During the first six months of 2009, President Obama held a 56% approve/35% disapprove rating.  In contrast, Obama’s job approval rating today among Independent voters has sunk to 44% approve/50% disapprove.

One sure reason for the descent is the President’s misguided effort to overhaul health care.  Absolutely, health care requires some amount of reform … but it is the nature and extent of that reform that is causing Independent voters’ heartburn.Independents have stiffened their resistance to the Obama/Democratic health care reform plan.  Today, nearly six out of ten Independent (59%) oppose the health care plan being developed by President Obama and Democrats in Congress.  Importantly, 41% of Independents say they are “strongly opposed” to the plan.

By a considerable margin, Independent voters side with Republicans who say it is time to wipe the health care reform slate clean and focus on areas where there is agreement on health care.

Members of Congress can read the polls too. Those who voted “no” last time have little reason to reverse themselves and those who went along with Pelosi in 2009, but have lost key concessions (on abortion, for example) and have witnessed public opinion harden, have every reason to jump off the sinking ship this time around. Those who feel compelled to go along with the Obama-Reid-Pelois gambit will need an awful lot of die-hard liberals in their districts, for they certainly will have to fend off an angry herd of independents and Republicans. As Obama said, this is what elections are for.

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