Obama’s overall approval rating in the latest CBS poll is down 3 points from the previous month, but the slide in his numbers on Afghanistan are dramatic. In April, 58 percent approved and 21 percent disapproved of his handling of the war. Now 38 percent approve and 43 disapprove. The biggest change is among independents: “Last month, 44% of independents approved and 36% disapproved of the job President Obama was doing on Afghanistan. Now, more independents disapprove than approve: 49% disapprove, and just 30% approve.”

This follows months of White House seminars and a battle of the leakers. Because the president has yet to make up his mind, we also haven’t heard a robust explanation of what we are doing and how we are going to achieve our aims. In addition, since April, Obama’s overall foreign-policy approval has slid from 59 to 50 percent.

Could it be that indecision isn’t playing well at home? Possibly. Public opinion can be fickle, especially on foreign policy. But the president and his spinners are kidding themselves if they think there is no price to be paid among voters for angst-ridden decision making. The president is expected to choose and to lead. He is doing neither. The voters are starting to fret.

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