There is no more frenetic or faithful pro-Obama spinner than Marc Ambinder. If there is any conceivable argument, and even if not, for an Obama gambit or position, then he’ll come up with it. So it is noteworthy that this is the best he can do on health care:

Let it be said, at 1:15 a.m. ET, that Democratic Party discipline held, that Republicans failed to kill health-care reform, that the president now has a strong chance to sign into law historic, expensive, and far-reaching health-care reform legislation before his first official State of the Union address in a month from now. The bruising year-long battle has left the Democratic Party divided, has expended virtually all of the president’s political capital, and the legislation’s fidelity to the goals sketched by candidate Obama are questionable.

Well, the bill can’t really be defended on the merits, whether one assesses it from the Left’s perspective (insurance companies make out like bandits!) or the Right’s (what happened to real reform and cost control?). So the idealistic bloggers are reduced to cooing about the brute strength of the Obama-Reid machine. It is something, but not the stuff that inspires voters to elect Democrats. What do they run on? “Keep the strong-arm tactics going!” isn’t much of a message.

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