Eli Lake takes us through the latest story about a Barack Obama advisor playing footsie with Syria. Despite Obama’s protestations that we “have only one president at a time,” Obama advisor Daniel Kurtzer put in his two cents, trying to move along negotiations so the next President–gosh, who might that be–might be in a better spot.

The naïvité is staggering. What productive negotiations does Kurtzer have in mind? And might he have conveyed any message that gives the Syrians hope that Obama is anxious to do diplomatic business? I don’t suppose Kurtzer offered any stern message on Syrian behavior or on Assad’s client terror group Hezbollah. And now Obama’s disclaiming any involvement, as he always does when his advisors get caught doing this sort of thing (e.g. Robert Malley’s visit with Hamas). But we shouldn’t be confused. This is a preview of an Obama administration: unbridled faith in negotiation, no disapproval of terror sponsorship, and an utter lack of appreciation for the degree to which American goodwill is converted into propaganda points for hostile regimes.

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