The Left is freaking out. Gov. Bob McDonnell gave an impressive, error-free, and remarkably effective response to the SOTU. He might be the next “It” on the Republican side. That means it’s time to attack! Over at Daily Kos, they don’t like the diverse crowd that was seated behind McDonnell:

And the teabagging, bipartisan response in front of an all GOP audience is over. Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell had a “black woman”, “asian guy”, and “military guy” behind him. The seating chart for this thing must have been six months in the making.

This was not the only Lefty who went after McDonnell’s crowd. Walter Shapiro wades in: “After 70 minutes of seeing Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi nodding and clapping on cue behind Obama, it was strange to see four unknown Virginians (white, black, and Asian-American) nodding and clapping on cue behind McDonnell.” Another blogger harped: “Like tokens, he has four supporters strategically positioned behind him to fit in the television screen: an African American woman, a white male soldier, an Asian man, and a young woman.”

Actually, those people aren’t props. The white woman in the shot is Janet Polarek, secretary of the commonwealth. Above her is Jim Cheng, secretary of commerce and trade. The soldier is Staff Sargeant Robert Tenpenny, who served with the governor’s daughter Jeanine McDonnell in Iraq. Above him is Lisa Hick-Thomas, secretary of administration. That exquisitely diverse group, in other words, is mostly McDonnell’s cabinet. I think Bill Clinton called his Cabinet one that “looked like America.”

Well, it’s good of the Left to point out just how diverse are the people whom McDonnell has selected for key posts. And I suppose it’s some indication of just how well McDonnell did. Not only did he not have a Bobby Jindal moment but he also got all-around good reviews from mainstream pundits — and got the Left to embarrass itself. I guess the Republicans really did choose the right guy to respond.

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