The Washington Post‘s reports:

By selecting Bob Bauer to be his new White House counsel, President Obama on Friday tapped a tough political warrior with deep partisan ties to serve as his official legal adviser on some of the country’s most highly charged and difficult issues.

The decision to replace Gregory B. Craig with Bauer was a jolt to some who said his background — as a streetwise election law attorney representing Democratic candidates for decades — is hardly preparation for the complex domestic and international legal questions that will cross his desk.

This is not a positive development. If one were to make a list of what the president needs more of, one might say grown-up counsel, mature wise men willing to tell him he’s wrong, or someone who understands the views and concerns of those not in his thrall. But  increasing the number of hyper-partisan advisers low on real expertise would not be on it.

To the contrary, we already have David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel making hash of  our Israel policy and gumming up the decision-making on Guantanamo. And Justice is being run by Eric Holder, the man who can’t say no to any item on the netroot wish list. We could do without, and the president could do without, another vitriolic figure whose prime focus has been on beating the other guys. But that’s exactly what Obama’s chosen, and it speaks volumes about the increasingly bitter, partisan tone and outlook of his administration.

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