This comes as no surprise. Only the stubborn insistence on dragging this out for weeks — which merely served to embarrass the White House and discredit his supporters — is noteworthy. And now the New York Times can print the withdrawal of the nomination — perhaps discretely in the Obit section.
But this was a telling event. We know that the Obama administration’s vetting “process” is non-functioning, if not non-existent. We know they react defensively and evade inquiry when they should instead react promply to stem the torrent of outrage that follows a boneheaded move. We know the Far Left is where the “cabal” resides and that their regard for human rights is nonexistent.
And what do we know about Admiral Blair? Did he really believe the critics had taken Freeman’s comments out of context or was he reading from some talking point while scrambling to reverse an awful personnel choice? We don’t know, nor do we know the straw that broke the camel’s back.
And if those on the Left are irate — and irate they will be — then their anger must, to some degree, be properly directed at the White House which leads them out on a limb and cuts it off behind them. How can they continue to man the ramparts for an administration which leads them into the wilderness and deprives them of any influence?
There is no cause here for celebration. Rather there is only cause for concern. How in the world was this man ever chosen and what took so long to dump him?