The latest from Robert Gibbs on the Iranian declaration that they not only don’t want to be engaged but are also getting a divorce and changing the locks:

The Iranians have been rebuked for their actions by a single international voice through a strong vote in the IAEA Board of Governors. If they make a decision to fulfill their responsibilities and obligations, then the international community would welcome that. If they decide not to fulfill those responsibilities and obligations, then all I can say to the Iranians is: “Time is running out.”

I didn’t see the presser, so I can’t say whether this missive was accompanied by any finger-wagging, eye-rolling, or deep sighs. One wonders if the White House actually thinks this is productive. Apparently, no one around there has the nerve to say: “You know, we sound ridiculous saying this sort of thing. They just announced they are building 10 enrichment sites, so time really has already run out.”

The administration is plainly busy with the Afghanistan roll-out, but they need to do better than a series of pathetic, impotent-sounding threats and predictions. Or if they don’t have anything productive to say, perhaps it is best to say nothing at all.

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