There is a Monty Python–like quality in some of the earnest ObamaCare rooting still going on in the Left blogosphere. Yes, yes, ObamCare lives! Just a flesh wound, you see. There is an otherworldiness to the ruminations. Oh gosh, maybe they should have pressed ahead after Massachusetts and gotten this done. No, no — it’s okay. The wait-and-see approach is perfect. Jonathan Cohn personifies the bizarre cluelessness on the Left:

I still think ti [sic] would have been better to push ahead with reform immediately after the Massachusetts election, riding the momentum of the House-Senate negotiations that were just coming to a close. But once a day or two passed, that momentum was gone anyway. And now that the original momentum is gone, the smart play may very well be to take some time, build up political support, and attempt to reframe the debate before pushing legislation one last time. . . .

The only way to make sure a temporary pause in the health care debate doesn’t become a permanent one is for advocates to apply pressure. Phone calls and e-mails to members of Congress, rallies, and the like are absolutely essential. The message can be encouraging or threatening; I’m rather fond of Ezra [Klein]’s suggestion that people tell their representatives they won’t vote for them if health care reform dies. But one way or another, the advocates for reform have to let Congress know they care about it.

You sort of see why the Obami and Nancy Pelosi can’t bring themselves to break it to the netroots. Who wants to tell them the truth? Guys, it’s over. Done. Incumbent senators are dropping like flies. The public hates it. We have to move on.

Republicans might get lucky and see the agonizing continue, with even more committee meetings and votes. But I doubt it. There are too many Democrats unwilling to suspend disbelief any longer. They have seats to save and endless ruminations about ObamaCare aren’t going to help.

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