I wrote yesterday about the dismaying level of contempt displayed by the media as George W. Bush exits. Susan Estrich, whose assessment of Bush’s legacy is not favorable, agrees that the last spasm of Bush hating is unbecoming. Her thoughtful column should be read in its entirety, but the conclusion is especially noteworthy:
President Bush’s last days in office have produced too much invective for my taste. Yes, I am happy his term is over. No, I don’t agree with his assessment of his legacy. But if we can’t show some civility toward him, if we don’t respect the presidency, what will we say next week, when the loudmouths on the other side start their chant?
Barack Obama faces unprecedented challenges. If he doesn’t make some missteps, especially in the early days, he will be the first president ever to avoid them. He needs breathing room, space to find his way and respect while he does. If we aren’t willing to show it for President Bush as he leaves office, what basis will we have to demand it for President Obama when he takes over?
One hopes that the unbridled nastiness and anger, which the Left cultivated for its own strategic ends, isn’t taken up on the Right. One senses that many on the conservative side are spoiling for a fight — no matter what the reason. There will be fights enough on real things that matter without inventing ones that don’t. And the sort of snide and angry harping directed at any conservative who would even meet on cordial terms with the President-elect belies a smallness of mind and spirit we could do without.