Once the New York Times inches closer to reality on Iraq, the liberal punditocracy can also begin its encounter with facts. Yes, it is odd that, for such sophisticated and supposedly well-read folks, it comes as startling news to learn that there has been considerable military and political progress. (Haven’t they been reading the Times’ op-eds?) This all seems to be a bizarre kabuki dance. The punditocracy is edging closer to reconciling their writings with ever-more widely available facts, while winking at their co-conspirators on the Left to make sure everyone understands the new ground rules.

It may be that only now, because the Times’ delinquently acknowledges the shifting ground, that media outlets which still take the Times as gospel can shift ground as well. Apparently the left-leaning media gurus need to expand their horizons, read some other publications, and sit in on some expert briefings. Or they could even go back and read the testimony which General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker gave in April. And hey–if they start doing their homework, maybe their favorite candidate will as well.

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