Andy Stern, the head of the SEIU — which has been embroiled in multiple scandals and played a supporting role in the Blago affair — is following on the heels of the AFL-CIO’s proposal to Sen. Arlen Specter — what Mickey Kaus dubs the “offer he can’t refuse.” Have they got a deal for Sen. Arlen Specter! He votes for card check and SEIU will support him in 2010.
You really do have to give the Democrats a lot of credit. Their Big Labor allies start publicly enticing a U.S. Senator to cast a vote for a special interest favor and the same day the Senate Judiciary Committee votes out Senate Bill 49 to expand the tools for prosecutors to go after public corruption.
Perhaps, for now, we could all agree: it is entirely inappropriate and unseemly for labor unions (or any special interest group) to declare that their support (and the huge financing that goes along with it) for a candidate or official turns on a single vote. People might get the idea they are trying to buy a vote. And that would be very,very wrong.