More evidence that they don’t like ObamaCare comes from the latest Washington Post/ABC News poll, which George Stephanopoulos sums up:

The poll shows that public skepticism is hardening.  Most Americans believe that reform will make their own health care worse — especially on the key issue of cost — with 54 percent fearing their own costs will rise, and 56 percent believing the costs to the country will increase. … [The administration’s] hope: once the bill is signed into law, the public will reward them for delivering on a big promise. But can they deliver on the details?

I don’t recall politicians ever being so openly disdainful of the public. The poor dears don’t understand what is good for them, are befuddled, and will like it once they see our handiwork. That’s what the Democrats are telling themselves — and the voters.

Other little nuggets from the poll: 41 percent “strongly” disapprove of Obama’s handling of health care, and 60 percent think the public option will push private employers out of the market. By a 37-to-19 margin, people think the quality of their own health care will get worse. And more people say they’d oppose a candidate (29 percent, and 20 percent would “strongly” oppose) who backed ObamaCare than one who supported it (25 percent).

It’s quite a gamble that ObamaCare supporters are taking: they’re rolling the dice, hoping that voters don’t really mean what they say and that they’ll be rewarded for defying the public’s wishes, enacting new taxes, and slashing Medicare. I guess anything in politics is possible. But congressmen and senators facing elections may have their doubts, as well they should.

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