Sen. Harry Reid is in trouble at home. He is trailing potential GOP challengers and, even worse, he has an approval rating of 38 percent. This is the majority leader of the Senate, staking his career and those of his colleagues on passing ObamaCare.

But he’s in great shape compared to one of his colleagues:

It may be time to start putting Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) at the top of the list of most vulnerable senators up for re-election next year. Rasmussen’s latest survey. . . shows Lincoln trailing all of her little-known Republican opponents, with her trailing frontrunning Republican state senator Gilbert Baker by six points, 47 to 41 percent.

And by making herself the 60th vote to open the Senate health-care debate, she’s effectively painted a target on her back. “A whopping 56 percent of Arkansas voters said they ’strongly opposed’ the Congressional health care plan, with only 18 percent strongly favoring it.” Moreover, she doesn’t make matters any easier for herself by expressing doubts about ObamaCare and the Democrats’ handiwork that has preceded it:

I have the fear that it will create a long-term risk for taxpayers. And I think that comes on the heels of this orgy we’ve had of government spending — whether it’s bailouts for multiple people, multiple groups. I think it’s critical for us to look at how fiscally responsible we can be on behalf of taxpayers.

That “orgy” would include the stimulus and budget bills, which she voted for.

All of this should be sobering news to other Senate Democrats. Are they going to vote for an increasingly toxic health-care bill, which comes on the heels of that “orgy” of spending, and thus put their careers on the line? We will find out, but sometimes it is best just to deliberate and deliberate and deliberate some more.

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