Gail Collins channels the Democrats in full-frenzy mode:

He’s going to lose! Sarah Palin is getting all the attention! The Republicans are so mean! Why isn’t he tougher?

Collins is serene: national polls don’t matter (Psst: look at the state ones), Hillary Clinton wouldn’t have been a walk in the park as VP, and the Palin thing will blow over. Perhaps. But then if that’s the case, how can it be that a New York Times columnist is less frazzled than the Democratic ticket?

Either Collins is wrong and all those freaked Democrats are right (We’re no longer the change we’ve been waiting for?) or the Democrats have chosen an easily rattled duo of candidates. (And I don’t rule out both could be true — just because the boat is sinking is no reason to panic.)

But I will say, that so long as Collins keeps writing columns about Democrats’ meltdown, chances are that things aren’t going so well for The One.

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