In a thoughtful post, Pete Wehner writes:
We also need some Republicans leaders who have the courage and wisdom to push back against the mob. President Obama—the post-partisan, uniquely unifying, let’s-look-forward-and-not-backward candidate of hope and change—has detonated a debate he may well lose control over and which may prove to be deeply divisive and embittering for America.
In truth, both Democratic and Republican leaders need to take a stand. Today Senate Leader Mitch McConnell offered this at a press conference:
The president made big deal, after coming to office, about looking forward and not looking backward. And I wish there were as much focus in this administration on policies that will keep us safe here in the United States. I think it’s important to remember, from 9/11 until the end of the Bush administration, not another single attack on the U.S. homeland. We were obviously doing something right. It wasn’t just good luck. And to the extent that the president wants to alter the fundamental policies that have kept us safe for the last eight years since 9/11, it’s a matter of some concern.
Vice Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee Sen. Kit Bond added this today at a presser:
The President can’t go to the CIA with reassurances one day and then the next day, turn around and leave the door open to prosecutions. Our terror fighters need to know whether the President has their back or will stab them in the back. . .It is time for the President to quit looking back and start looking forward to keep Americans safe from attacks.
Sens. McCain, Graham and Lieberman have written a letter to the president imploring him not to prosecute officials and warning of the dangers of criminalizing prior administration’s efforts.
This should not be a partisan affair. Those of good will on both sides of the aisle should look at where we are and where the president proposes we take the country. Will there be leaders from both parties in Congress who have the will and the legislative prowess to stand up and defend those who defended us at a time of great peril? Trying to talk back to power can be risky, we are told. Now would be a good time to start.