Carly Fiorina, in a blogger call today, made clear what the McCain camp is up to in Denver: “My purpose in being here in Denver to reach out to Democrats and convey the message that he’ll work for every vote.” Clearly combating the notion that Barack Obama is entitled to all Democratic votes (or that Hillary Clinton can “deliver” them), she stressed that “every American own his own vote.”
Not surprisingly, she didn’t take me up on my invitation to reveal McCain’s VP pick. But she did talk about Obama’s. She argued that voters she has talked to “aren’t swayed by Joe Biden.” But then she went straight for the Hillary votes. Reeling off a list of qualities (e.g. tough debater, proven vote getter), Fiorina remarked that Democrats are asking “Well, why not Hillary Clinton?” Contending that Clinton wasn’t “treated with respect,” she offered that Clinton would have made a “fine” addition to the Obama ticket.
Yes, it’s all quite calculated to lure and inflame the Democrats. But the latter may not need much more incentive to fight among themselves. We’ll see in the days which follow if the Clinton-Obama drama disappears. Not if the McCain team can help it.