Caroline Kennedy was lovely, the film was beautiful and Ted Kennedy’s appearance was moving. But I think none of this did Barack Obama any good. Caroline listed Kennedy’s many achievements with the refrain after each one that for those who received the benefits of his work, “Teddy is your Senator too.” The obvious problem: What has Barack Obama done to remotely compare with any of that? Kennedy’s life and accomplishments, whatever your political views, simply dwarf Obama’s.

Moreover, in the Democrats’ class warfare attack on John McCain I’m not sure the scenes of Kennedy on the yacht are what they had in mind. And finally, the prospect of Kennedy in the Senate whisking Obama’s legislation through Congress is likely not a message that will be lost on the Republican ad men.

That said, for committed Democrats he is an inspirational figure and the passing of the torch is keenly felt by them, no doubt. But if this race is now about swing, Kennedy’s not going to do the trick with independent voters.

One final thought: the sight of Joe Biden applauding Kennedy’s roar about committing troops for a mistake was a priceless bit of irony. Biden did vote for . . . you know the story.

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