I suppose the Obami will have to add the Quinnipiac pollsters to the hit list, along with those at Gallup. In the latest Quinnipiac:
At 46%, President Obama’s latest job approval rating is the lowest ever in Quinnipiac polls, and he has an upside down rating for his handling of health care. The new survey (Dec. 1-6, 2313 RV, MoE +/- 2%), released this morning, finds 44% disapproving of the job Obama’s doing. More than half (51%) of independents now disapprove of Obama’s job performance, while 37% approve. … On health care, 56% approve of giving people a government-run insurance option. However, voters disapprove by a 52%-38% margin of the overall reform package currently being debated in the Senate, and disapprove of Obama’s handling of health care 56%-38%.
Well that’s not too promising. It’s almost like Americans don’t like what Obama’s doing, as if the poor knaves out there are increasingly frustrated that the president is spending his time — and soon their tax dollars — on a government takeover of health care that they really don’t want. And a 14-point deficit in approval among independent voters? Yikes.
It’s understandable, but perhaps not smart, that Obama will be flitting off to get his Nobel Prize, which only a quarter of Americans think he deserves, and to hang out with the environment worshippers in Copenhagen and lecture Americans that they’re ignorant when they doubt the “certainty” of climate-change science. Obama’s two audiences — elite opinion makers and the American people — are beginning to diverge sharply in their estimation of him. Unfortunately for Obama, Nobelists don’t vote in American elections.