You knew this was coming: the American people really don’t like the idea of trying terrorists in a civilian court. A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll shows that 64 percent want a military trial and only 34 percent a civilian proceeding:
“The decision to bring Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in front of a civilian court is universally unpopular — even a majority of Democrats and liberals say that he should be tried by military authorities,” says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. “Despite that, most Americans say that he will get a fair trial in the U.S.”
Yes, it will be “fair” to him and quite inimical to the national security of the United States.
As the American people observe the raft of incomprehensible decisions (closing Guantanamo, ceasing enhanced interrogations, trying KSM in federal court), the floundering “engagement” gambit in Iran, and the non-decision on Afghanistan-war policy, they may come to a nerve-racking conclusion: the Obami don’t take national security seriously and are systematically making us less safe. Dick Cheney warned us of this months ago, but many pooh-poohed that observation. It turns out to have been on the money.