When you call your political opponents “liars,” you better be right. Barack Obama wasn’t right. It seems that pro-life groups and conservative journalists had it right about Obama’s opposition to the Illinois Infant Born Alive Act. He did vote against a bill identical to a later federal bill and his explanation that the bills were different–an excuse he’s been giving out for some time–is just wrong. What does this say?
First, his campaign is beyond sloppy. They are arrogant and don’t bother to question The One’s utterances. They learned the hard way that The One is apparently not honest about his own record.
Second, The One took an issue of interest to one segment of the electorate and converted it into an issue of credibility and honesty which may trouble a broader segment of voters, namely anyone who cares about the character.
Third, once again — I know it’s stunning — the MSM never covered the issue up to now so if they are going to do so they first must explain what everyone is talking about, shirk questions about why they weren’t following this at all, and then decide if they are going to cover aggressively a story adverse to the Chosen One. Once again the MSM’s bias and ineptitude are obvious.
Will this matter? If voters come to see Obama as not just evasive and slick but downright dishonest, it will. Stay tuned.