Juan Williams says of ObamaCare, which contains, at least in the Senate version, the Cadillac tax on generous benefits that’s likely to smack many union workers, who certainly aren’t rich:
I think it passes, and, it’s interesting, the Democrats are the ones at this point who can stop it, and this kind of discussion doesn’t help. And the question is do the unions get so mad at President Obama and say you didn’t live up to the promises you made to us on the campaign trail. You said this would help the working man, and in fact, this may in a very obvious way penalize working people in the country.
Whoa! I thought that as soon as this thing passes, the Democrats are going to be able to explain what’s in it and “sell” Americans on the wonders of ObamaCare. If discussion about what’s in the bill — an excise tax on those making less than $250,ooo, for example — isn’t helpful, then how’s the sales job going to work? Well, they can tout the millions who are going to be insured. But some of those soon-to-be-insured are young voters who don’t want to buy insurance or are principled liberals and conservatives who don’t think we should be marched into the arms of big insurance companies to buy something under government coercion. Well, they could talk about all those Medicare “savings.” Oh, yikes — seniors might get the idea that their Medicare benefits are getting slashed. It gets tricky, as you can see.
Simply telling voters that something “historic” has been passed isn’t going to wash with most of them. The Reid-Obama-Pelosi triumvirate has convinced itself that Americans will learn to love the bill once they learn what’s in it. But what if they already know, and that’s why they so dislike it and Obama’s handling of the issue?