To go with an infantile view of foreign policy we have, as Bill Kristol highlights today, an infantile ad by on behalf of Barack Obama. The ad suggests that members of our all-volunteer army are incapable of adult decision-making. But this, of course, should not surprise us. The Left generally takes a dim view of our citizenry, which is why we need an ever-expanding government to protect the people from themselves.

If Americans were responsible for their own decisions we wouldn’t bail them out of foolish home loans. We would allow them private accounts for their retirement savings. We would give them greater choices over their children’s education. And on it goes.

In 1992, we had the ponytail man pleading with the candidates on behalf of the people who he deemed “symbolically the children of the future president.” Now the Democratic candidate, his advisers and his ultra-left leaning supporters are treating voters like they are children. At some point you would think adults would resent being condescended to and ask why many in the Democratic party think they are such fools.

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