The 9/11 Coalition to Never Forget is holding a rally in Foley Square in New York City today to protest the Obama administration’s decision to try KSM and his fellow 9/11 terrorists in a civilian court. A group of Hollywood stars including Robert Duval, Jon Voight, and Brian Dennehy have signed a letter, which reads:

Attorney General Eric Holder’s decision to try the 9/11 mastermind and four other terrorists in a civilian court, rather than by the military justice system, should not be allowed to remain without challenge. Not only does it put the national security of the United States of America at risk, but it is a travesty of our justice system. It brings additional heartache to the families and friends of the 9/11 victims, the first responders, and the concerned citizens of New York whose lives were changed forever.

This is not just a New York tragedy, but a terrorist threat to our country and freedom loving people around the world. It provides a platform for these terrorists to spew their propaganda and hatred to the world from a courthouse just blocks from Ground Zero.

We stand with 9/11 families, New York City’s first responders and the U.S. military who will be forced to cope with the consequences of this dangerous decision if it is not reversed.

Perhaps congressmen and senators will pay attention and consider what they might do to reverse the administration’s appalling decision. Andy McCarthy suggests:

If Congress does not want the war criminals in the war it has authorized swaddled in the Bill of Rights and given the Manhattan pulpit they seek, the solution is very simple: Congress can direct that those who fit the definition of “enemy combatants” — which was spelled out in Section 948a of the 2006 Military Commissions Act — must be tried by military commission for any war crimes. That is, Congress can divest the federal courts of jurisdiction to hear these cases. Furthermore, Congress can make its will emphatically clear by denying appropriations for the transfer of detainees into the U.S. and for the trial of detainees in the civilian federal courts.

Really, if lawmakers do nothing, they are in effect ratifying Holder’s decision and deserve to be held accountable by the voters.

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