After two days abroad Barack Obama’s game plan is coming into view: he’s not saying much in public and his interactions with world leaders are likely to be hidden from the public. He met with the troops, had lunch with President Karzai and smiled. Did he speak sense to Karzai or hear a rebuke for insulting Karzai? Who knows? He didn’t hold a presser with Karazai and no cameras were allowed into their lunch.

We’ll see if the pattern changes, but if he keeps this up all week he’ll have done exactly what he does at home: cling to that teleprompter and operate only within his “comfort zone.” He’s excluded and evaded the foreign press, kept the U.S. press at bay (at least for now) and given details on policy only through his surrogates. Does he lack the confidence and ability to operate without a net? I get the sense the Obama camp is counting down the days — two down and no gaffes yet. But he also hasn’t proved himself capable of doing much of anything other than walking and smiling. I wonder if the U.S. media will notice or have the nerve to explain the charade going on.

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