Polling on ObamaCare is frightfully bad for the Democrats and worsening, it seems, every week and month. Today from the CNN/Opinion Dynamics we learn that only 36 percent approve of the Democrats’ health-care plans, and a stunning 61 percent disapprove. Just last month 46 percent approved and 49 percent did not. Seventy-nine percent think the deficit will increase if the Senate bill passes. The Fox poll tells us:
A majority — 57% — oppose the health-care reform legislation being considered right now. About a third of Americans – 34% — favor the reforms. These results are from a FOX News poll released Thursday, and show the highest level of opposition to the health care bill to date.
Similarly, while 41% of Americans want Congress to pass major health care reform legislation this year, a 54% majority says they would rather Congress “do nothing on health care for now,” up from 48% who felt that way in July. … Nearly two-thirds of Americans (64%) think the reforms will cost them money, up from 58% who thought so previously (July 2009). Fewer than one in four people — 23% — currently think the plan will save them money. By 52% to 28%, Americans say the quality of health care their family receives would be worse under the proposed plan.
Sixty-six percent of independents in the Fox poll oppose the plan.
If wavering Democrats cannot be persuaded to discern the gaping contradictions in a bill with no bipartisan support in Congress (which would simultaneously dump millions of new patients into Medicare and slash funding), maybe these figures will serve as a wake-up call. Passing a hugely unpopular bill to improve their chances of re-election? It makes less sense than the bill itself.