Not surprisingly, the recriminations about the drifting Obama campaign, especially from the Clintons, have begun. We get this report:

With the McCain campaign running tactical circles every day around the Obama outfit—which has failed, somewhat unbelievably, to come up with even a semi-compelling response to the Palin selection—one might think Mrs. Clinton, to say nothing of her sidelined husband, would be a useful surrogate on the counterattack right about now. Apparently, the Obama campaign does not agree. “My concern is that I see them as totally reactive right now as opposed to getting out there on their own and saying what the hell they are about,” said Leon Panetta, a former chief of staff to Bill Clinton who has advised Mr. Obama. “They seem to be intimidated by the Palin pick. They seem to be intimidated by how the Republicans are coming at them on change. And you cannot win if you are constantly on defense.”

Read the whole thing, as they say. But what is clear is that Democrats view the Obama camp as hobbled by “disastrous passivity.” So chances are that we’ll see more hsyteria and nasty language pouring forth from the Obama-Biden duo.

There is no doubt, if there ever was, that Clinton will be in the catbird’s seat if Obama loses. There will be no escaping the obvious — Hillary Clinton at the top or the bottom of the ticket would have put the Democrats in a commanding position. And Hillary won’t let anyone forget. Ever.

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