Today in Minneapolis, a convention of online activists known as Netroots Nation convened, and judging from on-the-scene reports, the morning has turned into a disaster for the Obama administration. White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer addressed the crowd and then began to take questions, and two-plus years of rage—about the Obama administration’s war-fighting policies, its handling of gay issues, the president’s signing an extension of the Bush tax cuts—exploded outward at him. He was attacked on all these points and more.

Dave Weigel, the superb political reporter-blogger for Slate, instantly dubbed the event “Pfeiffergate” on Twitter and then puckishly made reference to a badly-reviewed superhero film opening today: “Green Lantern officially the second most painful viewing experience of the day.” To try to get the crowd back on his side, Pfeiffer used the threat of a Palin/Bachmann ticket, said that the only way to ensure there wouldn’t be another extension of the Bush tax cuts would be to reelect the guy who extended them last year, and was actually booed when he prevaricated on the question of Obama’s stance on gay marriage.

One conference session does not a revolt make. But Obama and his people have reason to worry that there is going to be a distinct shortage of enthusiasm within his own base when he goes up for reelection next year.

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