I will confess I was terrified earlier this week as I heard from friends in London and read articles all over the place about a surge toward Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party in the days before the British election. Pieces like this one followed in the wake of pieces like this one from mid-November, with most of the press coverage in mainstream venues suggesting Boris Johnson’s effort to bait the Labour Party into agreeing to an early election might backfire on him the way it had backfired on his predecessor, Theresa May, in 2017.

My fear wasn’t over the fate of Brexit; I can see both sides of the argument about the virtue and/or value of Brexit. And as I’m not a British citizen, it’s not really my business anyway. Nor is it because I find Boris Johnson a wonderfully enjoyable political player who (I have to admit) functions as a kind of fantasy version of… me—by which I mean he is around my age, was a conservative journalist, magazine editor, and author of a few books who is now running an entire country.

My only concern was that the potential victory of Jeremy Corbyn would represent a nightmarish turn in the history of open, blatant Jew-hatred—showing its power and demonstrating its emergence as a key element of the ideological makeup of the leader of the greatest of all European nations. Instead, Corbyn is out. While it is certainly the case that Johnson didn’t win because of Corbyn’s anti-Semitism, the general sense of Corbyn as an out-of-phase extremist surely was key to the size of his drubbing.

The strange new process by which Labour picks its leaders—after some preliminaries, there is a massive public vote by mail anyone can enter by paying five quid—does not guarantee another piece of anti-Semitic filth won’t somehow make it to the top of the greasy pole. But a rejection of this size will likely be so sobering the party will be loath to continue committing suicide. By the way, it is apparently true, according to the British pollster Lord Ashcroft, that the vote drifted a bit toward Labour in the final week—but imagine what the result would have been if there hadn’t been a bit of move leftward? Instead of a 76-seat majority, a majority nearing 100?

Hate Brexit. Loathe Johnson’s style. Feel disgust with Tory policies. Go ahead. Every Jew on this Earth and every friend of the Jews should feel a great sense of relief at Corbyn’s utter humiliation and political destruction. “In every generation, they rise up against us to destroy us, and the Holy One, blessed be He, saves us from their hand.”

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