Sean Naylor of Army Times is one of the best combat correspondents in the business today–a fearless, objective chronicler who understands the military inside and out in a way that few (if any) who write for the MSM can rival. His latest scoop may be found here. It is an awe-inspiring account of how a Special Operations unit made up primarily of Navy SEALS rescued an American businessman, who had been kidnapped in Afghanistan by followers of jihadist warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. With details such as the operators “aiming their silencer-equipped weapons to shoot and kill the kidnapper in the room before he could fire a round,” the story reads like something from “The Unit,” “24,” or some other television show. The difference being, of course, that this really happened. Appearing as it does just before Veterans Day, this article provides yet another reason to be grateful for the supreme skill shown by so many in our armed forces–as well as for the skill and empathy shown by the few reporters, like Sean Naylor, who chronicle their achievements.
An Extraordinary Rescue
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