Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad has shown his true colors. A dozen visits by Arlen Specter, and repeated chats with John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi simply didn’t get him to see the light. Instead, he is currently slaughtering his own people–today reportedly has been the bloodiest day in recent weeks.

Yet, Western news anchors report about his growing isolation, symbolized most recently by Syria’s suspension from the Arab League. Still, Assad doesn’t seem to be getting the message he should step down. Perhaps he would have dragged his feet anyway, but there needs to be some serious introspection within the Obama administration: Defense Secretary Panetta removed pressure by ruling out any military force. Even if none was contemplated, there really was no reason to tell Assad that. More importantly, Assad knows he only has to wait another six weeks and then he’s home free. When the last American troops depart from Iraq, there will be little impediment to Iranian resupply of their beleaguered ally.

Alas, Obama’s triumph–the abandonment of Iraq, a country whose partnership he seems to dismiss because of latent Bush Derangement Syndrome–is already having a far greater effect than the White House or State Department are willing to admit.

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