Loko is a controversial caffeinated alcohol drink which, I am told, has become popular on college campuses, much to the chagrin of university administrators. As with any drink and drug, its abuse can have serious health consequences. Yesterday, the Yale Entrepreneurial Society hosted the four founders of Loko to discuss their start up experience. The topic, however, was too controversial for Yale administrators who, according to the Yale Daily News, booted the talk off campus and threatened vengeance against the talk’s organizers. It is true that the Yale Entrepreneurial Society has not formally registered with the administration. Many organizations resist registration because of the Yale administration’s efforts to regulate their content. Organizations which sponsor discussions on topics which the administration finds uncontroversial seldom suffer consequences.
Kudos to the Yale Entrepreneurial Society. The entrepreneurial spirit is lacking at Yale, as is respect for free speech against the backdrop of an increasingly overbearing administration. The greatest irony, however, is how journalists appointed to Yale’s governing board have remained silent as Yale University increasingly makes a name for itself as an entity hostile to free discourse and speech.