It’s always interesting in times like these to read the hard Left’s interpretation of things. Here is Daniel Levy:

Why did today’s events occur? The list of causes is a long one and of course depends who you are asking. Here are five of the most salient factors as I see them:

(1) Never forget the basics – the core issue is still an unresolved conflict about ending an occupation and establishing an independent Palestinian state – everything has to start from here to be serious (this is true also for Hamas who continue to heavily hint that they will accept the 1967 borders).

Daniel Levy is essentially a New Historian in blogger form: where the original New Historians published thoroughly “revised,” often completely warped, accounts of past events, Levy publishes such narratives about current events.

The problem with his statement is that 1) Hamas is not interested in ending the “occupation,” meaning settlements in the West Bank and Gaza. The occupation in Gaza was ended, and its termination only encouraged Hamas’ delusion that it is on the winning side of history. Levy certainly understands enough about these matters to know that when Hamas talks about occupation, it means the state of Israel. 2) Hamas is not a Palestinian nationalist group — it has always condemned and assailed the two-state solution, Palestinian statehood, and negotiations that have as their premise Israel’s right to exist. 3) Where have all these “heavy hints” from Hamas about the 1967 borders come from? I recall one extremely vague muttering from Khaled Mashaal a while back that only a very desperate person would interpret as an endorsement of the 1967 borders. Then again, Levy thinks that the famous “Three No’s” at Khartoum in 1967 were an opening ploy for negotiations, so he appears to be easily seduced.

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