There are a lot of people to credit for this clip. (I’ll offer a hat tip to Allahpundit who in turn credits others.) It’s from a February 2009 interview a newly elected President Obama did with NBC’s Matt Lauer, in which Obama says about the economy, “”I will be held accountable… If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.”
When the Obama presidency was just 10 days old, that seemed like a safe thing to say. Now that he’s two-and-a-half years into his presidency and the economy is struggling, his words may come back to haunt him.
Of course, what Obama said at the dawn of his administration made perfect sense; he would be given a grace period for some period of time – but after that, he and his party would be held responsible for his/their policies. That happened during the 2010 mid-term election, which was an epic rebuke of Democrats. And it will happen in 2012 as well.
Obama still has less than eight months before he reaches the three-year mark of his presidency. He better hope they go better than the first 29 months.