Yuval Levin and Keith Hennessey have written noteworthy pieces.
In National Review Online, Levin writes, “That debt explosion—which will be at the heart of our politics in the coming years—is different and unprecedented, and we have seen in recent months that the Left is completely unprepared to understand it, and the Right (with much help from the indispensable Paul Ryan) is only starting to grasp it. Simply put, that debate is all about health-care entitlements. And I mean all… Our debt explosion is a health-entitlement explosion, and to address it we have to fix the fundamental structure of our health entitlements. That means above all replacing the fee for service structure of Medicare, which is the chief driver of inefficiency across our health-care system.”
Keith Hennessey weighs in on the so-called Gang of Six plan, providing 17 – yes, 17 –reasons why it is “absolutely terrible fiscal policy.”
Both men back up their judgments with care, precision and measured arguments. But take a look for yourself.