Raj C., on Jennifer Rubin:
Add it [America’s response to the situation in Georgia] to the list of conservative policy failures. Bush inherited a record surplus, moral authority to lead the world, a global rush toward liberalization and democracy, and peace with Russia. Gone. Gone. Gone and Gone. Well played, right wingers!
I must admit that I like Bush’s use of the military to deliver humanitarian aid. Artful. Would that he were this inventive before hostilities broke out.
RE: Obama’s vacation. He’s right to keep quite at this stage. Obama has no power over foreign policy, and he is wise not to be seen as undermining or criticizing the president during an international crisis. What would be the point in sending a message to the Russians that might conflict with Bush’s? Why show any daylight? How could that possibly be in America’s best interests, or Obama’s, particularly when the clock is running on Bush’s administration?
Funny, isn’t it, that Obama’s actually building his lead while he’s on vacation? McCain can’t even move the needle when he has the stage to himself. The Real Clear Politics average now has Obama plus 5. He’s pulled ahead of McCain in Alaska! And his favorables gap over McCain has widened. Still a little early to say whether Georgia has had any impact, but so far, so good.
Question: If we go to war with Russia, would that be World War V? I’ve lost count.