The Deal: A Guide for the Perplexed The details, and the pros and cons, of the emerging agreement between Israel and Hamas.
Welcome to the New Great Game Syria's fall and Iran's weakness have invited a fight to fill the vacuum.
Biden’s ‘De-Escalation’ Obsession Has Prevented De-Escalation In Ukraine and Israel, the high cost of restraining our allies.
How Terrorist-State Propaganda Became the Norm for U.S. Audiences On the Emmy nomination for Bisam Owda and other outrages.
The Real Reason Al Jazeera Faces Suspension in Israel It's not about "bias," and it isn't an attack on journalism.
How the Free World Is Failing the Hostages Enough with the grotesque false equivalence between Israel and Hamas.
Israel’s Deterrence Is Aimed at Hamas’s Patrons Raise the cost of enabling terror in the territories.
The Global Complicity in Hamas’s Mayhem Israel's Rafah operation may expose more uncomfortable truths.