Michael Barone points out the mainstream media’s willingness to play along with Barack Obama’s narrative. But it isn’t so easy: “Obama backers dismiss attempts to undermine his narrative as distractions or as racism, beyond the bounds of reasonable discourse. Most of the mainstream media tend to agree. [ Bill] Ayers is no more likely to appear at the convention than the disgraced John Edwards. But other media have a voice. Obama will probably get a nice bounce out of his convention. But it’s not clear whether his narrative can be sustained in the weeks and months ahead. ”
The timing of the 3 a.m. text message, even if inadvertent, ranks up there with the dumbest and most arrogant moves of the campaign. Almost as bad not choosing Hillary Clinton as VP.
Isn’t it odd that the Biden pick would be “reassuring” to the Left because it “shows that Obama recognizes his own weaknesses” and it reminds them that ” Obama will have to retool his message for the fall”? Mere mortals might conclude it highlights the flaws in the top of the ticket and suggests the entire “change” theme has been a fraud and a political dead-end.
Morton Kondrake asks if Obama is a liberal on economics given the mix of huge spending plans, Big Labor-pleasing pledges and pro-market talk. The answer I think is “yes,” just not an honest one.
Grown-ups not infected by Obama-mania might not think it’s a big deal, but does the text message fumble disappoint The One’s devoted flock? One take: “[T]his is like finding out from your neighbor instead of your sister that she’s engaged—not how you want or expect the news to be delivered.” This is how these people think, and the dozens of disappointments, policy flip-flops, and negative ads all serve to reduce him to the level of a mere mortal, which is bad news when you need to pump the youth vote.
If Biden is supposed to be the national security brain for Obama shouldn’t the Left be concerned about his vote for the Iraq war and everyone be concerned about the horrid partition idea?
Gotta be racism if Obama loses? (Maybe voters just agreed with Biden’s assessment that the presidency is no place for on the job training.)
I actually think the Biden pick tips the balance in favor of Sam’s Club Republican Tim Pawlenty for VP and away from Mitt Romney. One wealthy Republican per ticket is probably enough.