Foreign Affairs The Deal: A Guide for the Perplexed Seth Mandel The details, and the pros and cons, of the emerging agreement between Israel and Hamas.
American Society Reality Is ‘Zionist Propaganda’ Seth Mandel The revealing reaction to a movie about the Munich Massacre.
Politics & Ideas The Most Important Moment of Marco Rubio’s Career Seth Mandel Hamas sympathizers in the State Department want a fight. Rubio should welcome it.
Europe What the Auschwitz Controversy Revealed About the Enemies of America and Israel Seth Mandel The specific evil of trying to turn Holocaust memory into Holocaust inversion.
Anti-Semitism Anti-Zionism and America’s Domestic Radicalization Seth Mandel Had we been taking these anti-Semitic groups seriously all along, we would have seen it coming.
Daily Commentary
The Deal: A Guide for the Perplexed
Reality Is ‘Zionist Propaganda’
The Most Important Moment of Marco Rubio’s Career
What the Auschwitz Controversy Revealed About the Enemies of America and Israel
Anti-Zionism and America’s Domestic Radicalization